

职业办公室 & Professional Development is committed to providing Young Harris College students and alumni with a broad range of personalized services to prepare them for professional success. Students will have the opportunity to develop essential skills and discover their career identities through major and career exploration, employer interaction 学习的机会.


作为YHC的一名学生, 你在不断地学习新技能, experiences and competencies that contribute to your overall personal and 专业发展. Many of these skills and experiences can be used to help you be career ready even before graduation. Below are eight career readiness competences developed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) that employers are seeking and highly qualified candidates often possess. 职业办公室 & Professional Development is available to explore and assist you with each of the areas.

  • 职业与自我发展
  • 沟通
  • 批判性思维
  • 公平与包容
  • 领导
  • 专业
  • 团队合作
  • 技术

学生就业 通过握手

Part-time positions for students can be found in many departments. These positions offer many advantages including a flexible schedule, 收入, and professional experience that can transfer to your future career goals. The Student Work program serves to assist all full-time students, 无论家庭收入如何, 申请就业.

To view and apply for available positions, current students can sign in to the 握手 platform with YHC email address and password. 搜寻“耀中学生就业”.


An internship is a planned work experience that provides a student with an opportunity to gain practical, 在某一特定领域有实践经验. Young Harris College encourages students to pursue internships during their course of study.

Beyond the experience, students who complete internships gain marketable skills for the workplace. Students completing internships have greater confidence in job interviews and are better prepared for the transition from the classroom to the workplace after graduation. An internship is a supervised experience that can be full-time or part-time, paid or unpaid. Internships may be approved for academic credit or may be for non-credit.

Young Harris College offers a wide range of academic and non-academic internship opportunities on and off campus for all full-time students. Sign in to the 握手 platform with current YHC email address and password.


Focus 2 职业生涯 access for current students

进入Focus 2 职业生涯, all new users must create an account by clicking on the “REGISTER” button after clicking the link below and filling out the “Create Your Focus 2 职业生涯 Account” form. An access code is required to submit the form.

YHC独有的ACCESS CODE是: mountainlions

所有新用户共享相同的新葡京app码. Once you submit the Create Your Account form, you will be taken directly into Focus 2 职业生涯. Each time you return to use Focus 2 职业生涯, you will enter your personal Username and Password on your Focus 2 职业生涯 Login Link.

Employers: How to connect with YHC students

职业办公室 & Professional Development regularly coordinates and hosts multiple engagement opportunities for employers who are interested in meeting and interacting with YHC students. Below are some of the ways that interested employers can connect with Young Harris College students:

Post your internship opportunity to YHC students

发布实习机会 握手门户. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the 职业生涯 & 专业发展办事处.


大多数招聘都是从 握手. Create a free account or log-in to register for upcoming events and connect with students.

Connect virtually through sessions/webinars

YHC has had great success with our live virtual webinars, and the ability to connect remotely is more important now than ever. The College advertises and supports virtual events and sessions in the same manner as our on-campus presentations to bring you as much student interaction as possible.


The College has great options for reaching our students in a more personal way, 所有这些都很容易安排. 联系就业指导办公室 & Professional Development to learn more about these options. We will handle all of the details of your on-campus visit, including extensive targeted marketing to students, academic departments and student organizations, as well as room reservations and online scheduling.


YHC的职业办公室 & Professional Development abides by the ethical standards for professional conduct set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and we expect all employers and third-party recruiting organizations to abide by these principles as well. 我们将招聘视为一种合作关系, one where your team and our team work together to facilitate the best fit between students/alumni and employment opportunities. Organizations that do not act in accordance with these principles will have their recruiting privileges revoked.